Beware paid to click sites !!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hey there guys,
have you ever seen those sites where you get paid to click, the ones which tell you to spend 5 MINUTES a day to earn a load into your bank...?
I saw many ; tried out a thousand and failed in all of them. Most of them are useless.You make a measly amount of money with that thing. Just look at us. We are the gen next. We deserve something bi. We are the ones who have the highest minds and hopes in the world. Well I 'll shut up the crap. If you are trying to join such a paid to click program that offers you tons of money or; more importantly if you are TRYING to BUILD a site like that then you could easily get into some serious legal complications. Most the these companies get sued many a times and likewise the 'partners' ( that you; the clicker ) get jailed or fined.
Don't waste your life. Don't go into such stuff..


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